1. Company details

Dental laboratory

Please use here the email address of the dental laboratory.
Please use here the telephone number of the dental laboratory.

Additional information about new orders

When a new order is placed, these email addresses will be included in the BCC.

Additional information about the collective invoices

If you send a collective invoice, these email addresses will be included in the BCC.

Additional information about the partial invoices

If you send a partial invoice, these email addresses will be included in the BCC.

Business days


When this settings is disabled it isn't possible to order by your dental laboratory

Outsource treatment

Determine for which type of order the technical work is possible to outsource the treatment.

Temporary blocking of e-mail traffic

Het tijdelijk blokkeren van emails verzending zolang het tandtechnisch laboratorium bezig is met onboarden en testen.

SMTP settings

SMTP settings voor het verzenden van emails.

Please use here the email address of the dental laboratory.
Please use here the email address where you want to send the test mail to.